Well, at least the animals are all doing really good.
I really like the way my youngest two baby doe goaties are turning out. They have a different daddy than the first ones and they have a lot wider hips and are much stockier overall, which is the look I prefer.
The baby boy goats are doing really well, still sweet and friendly and growing so fast! I have three and plan on keeping two. I was going to sell the third one, but I actually tasted goat over at a friends house and it was SO good now I am thinking I want to eat him. LOL. Like there won't be enough boys for that next year. I may just put him up on Craigslist and if no one wants him, then off to the processors!
The other older girl babies are doing really well, growing fast and very elegant and pretty with very shiny coats. They are still on the Lambar feeder but are losing interest in it, so this will probably be the week where I wean them completely. They are 18 weeks old now.
The milkers are all doing really good, except haven't been giving me much milk the last few days. I think maybe because it has been SO hot. Yesterday I started giving them electrolyte water along with their regular water. They love it.
AND I added a new milker! So excited, she is so gorgeous, I love her! She just won second place in her age group the the Del Mar fair!!! Here she is; meet Incantation!
Sheep are doing good, babies are growing like weeds.
We named our new baby Anatolian LGD Toli. We couldn't think of anything else and the name really fits her. She is doing really good. Not itchy anymore, I think it was just the shampoo causing dry skin. She was underweight at only 9.5 pounds when we got her and last time I weighed her she was over 20 pounds. I need to weigh her again.... later when it cools down. The heat here is unbearable!
And finally that brings us to Diego; what a good good dog he is. He really is. I am not amazed by a lot of things, but this dog is amazing! These last couple weeks he has been barking NON-STOP all night long. I know he is just going through a stage in his development right now, so we have kinda been ignoring it. If I'm up there and he does it continually I'll tell him in a firm voice "enough", but it usually doesn't do any good. So we have been distracting him with bones and letting him out to play with Toli, instead of bark. Well, we added the new milking goat on Thursday and I was really worried about bringing a new goat into his territory. Well, the first thing he did when I put her in the pen was run up to her and started gently licking her face and ears. LOL. She didn't appreciate it very much, but I did. LoL. He is such a good dog. AND on top of this (and it may just be coincidence) since we brought the new goat home he stopped barking all night!!! I actually woke up night before last and went and checked on all the animals because it was TOO quiet. LOL. Everyone was fine and sleeping. It was just odd to not hear him constantly barking, lol. And then last night he was barking up a storm again so I let him out of the goat pasture to run around the property (like I do when I am milking) and then I came back and laid down. Well I heard him chase something through the bushes all the way from the top of our property, down around the side, and out and away from the bottom. I didn't hear a peep from him after that. Have I mentioned he is amazing?!?! I really wish I had two more dogs just like him. I love that dog.
I need to wash the dogs and weigh them and then I'll get updated pics. They grow so fast it's hard to keep up with them!