Fodder or animal feed is any feedstock used specifically to feed domesticated livestock such as cattle, goats, sheep, horses, chickens and pigs. "Fodder" refers particularly to food given to the animals (including plants cut and carried to them), rather than that which they forage for themselves in pasture and grazing land. It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and also sprouted grains and legumes. The fodder system we are focusing on here today is a hydroponically grown, quick turn over, cost effective sprouted grain system.
Not only do fodder systems use less water than field grown hay, they also offer many other advantages, including higher productivity through increased nutritional value. There are many benefits to be found from using fresh barley grass, wheat grass and spouted grains that have been organically and hydroponically grown. When grain is sprouted, it releases many vitamins and minerals as well as converting hard to digest starches in easily digestible proteins. Some of the benefits include:
☬ Water use reduction and conservation compared to field irrigation
☬ Reduction in overall daily feed costs
☬ Significant reduction if feed waste - the entire root mass is consumed with the grass
☬ Increased nutritional value in the feed
☬ High yield in a very small area
☬ Increase your independence by growing food for your animals with no need for cultivated land
☬ High digestibility
☬ Vitamins & mineral saturation
☬ Phytate reduction for pH normalization
☬ Enzymatic activity increase
☬ Increases in Omega 3 and amino acids
☬ Hedge the increase in feed costs by pre-buying large quantities of grain to have on hand
☬ On-demand availability of fresh green feed 365 days a year - all season access
Not only do fodder systems use less water than field grown hay, they also offer many other advantages, including higher productivity through increased nutritional value. There are many benefits to be found from using fresh barley grass, wheat grass and spouted grains that have been organically and hydroponically grown. When grain is sprouted, it releases many vitamins and minerals as well as converting hard to digest starches in easily digestible proteins. Some of the benefits include:
☬ Water use reduction and conservation compared to field irrigation
☬ Reduction in overall daily feed costs
☬ Significant reduction if feed waste - the entire root mass is consumed with the grass
☬ Increased nutritional value in the feed
☬ High yield in a very small area
☬ Increase your independence by growing food for your animals with no need for cultivated land
☬ High digestibility
☬ Vitamins & mineral saturation
☬ Phytate reduction for pH normalization
☬ Enzymatic activity increase
☬ Increases in Omega 3 and amino acids
☬ Hedge the increase in feed costs by pre-buying large quantities of grain to have on hand
☬ On-demand availability of fresh green feed 365 days a year - all season access
The Basics of Sprouting Fodder is like sprouting grains for human consumption (wheatgrass, beans, alfalfa, etc), growing fodder as sprouted grains is relatively easy and has a rapid turn over from start to finished product. The typical sprouting time for fodder is 6 - 8 days and can be adjusted depending on what stage of growth you want to harvest at and the type of animal you are feeding. Many different grains can be used - wheatgrass, barley, oats, etc. Barley is the most popular. The basic method of growing fodder is as follows:
By growing sprouted fodder you can provide a great source of nutrition to a wide range of animals (goats, rabbits, sheep, pigs, horses, cows) and this will improve the health of your animals, reduce your overall maintenance costs, and build more resiliency into the care of your animals. By implementing fodder into your livestock’s diet, your animals will be happier and healthier, providing you with great benefits. Plus, since the system can be used to grow restaurant-quality microgreens suitable for human consumption, it also offers a way to provide you and your family with delicious home-grown food right from your fodder system!
- Soak the sprout grains or seed mix you wish to sprout for about 6-8 hours.
(A pre-soak in a very diluted bleach water solution can be used if there are concerns regarding mold). - Drain and spread into shallow trays that have drain holes.
- Water a couples times per day, keep moist and drained for the duration of growing cycle at a temperature range of 60 to 75°F (the lower end of the range help to reduce mold production).
- Harvest at the desired stage of growth and feed to animals.
By growing sprouted fodder you can provide a great source of nutrition to a wide range of animals (goats, rabbits, sheep, pigs, horses, cows) and this will improve the health of your animals, reduce your overall maintenance costs, and build more resiliency into the care of your animals. By implementing fodder into your livestock’s diet, your animals will be happier and healthier, providing you with great benefits. Plus, since the system can be used to grow restaurant-quality microgreens suitable for human consumption, it also offers a way to provide you and your family with delicious home-grown food right from your fodder system!