I did the math and my baby goats are 8 weeks old now, and my new LGD pup is 15 weeks. He outweighs them by far, weighed in at 47 pounds yesterday!
Ghiselle is due to have her babies in only 4 days! Wow I cannot believe time has gone by so fast! It took sooooo long for the first two!
We cleaned out the baby barn today in preparation for the new little ones. Tonight will be the first night the older baby goats sleep in the big girls pen. We've had them in there several times during the days without any problems, but tonight will be the first full length night. Diego the new pup will also be in there with them! He has lots of toys and bones and a bowl full of yummy food to help distract him. He is such a good pup, he is great with the goats. Tries to play with the babies a bit, but overall wonderful. Very respectful of the big goats and I think that by having them all in together he will be on good behavior.
I will get pics tomorrow of the whole group together.