Fast-forward six months, and while I still love the pig, it will be nice to have him gone! He is big and strong and constantly breaking out of his enclosure. Plus I can't overemphasize enough just how much this pig is eating! Over 50 pounds of food a DAY. Good thing we started going to the mill to get our grain wholesale! We were also lucky enough to know someone who owns a catering company and so they have been giving us four five gallon buckets a week of leftover food to feed him. (Which he would sit and eat all in one meal).
Pig got processed today. Butcher came out to the house and did it. I wanted to be there, but I watched last year when they did the goats and lambs and I had to be at work so I missed it. I weight taped him at 300 pounds.
Picked up the pig from the butcher. Looks like total (split between two families) we got about 175 pounds of meat/ cuts. We also got approx 100 pounds of head, feet, scraps, hide, and innards for the dogs, which Steve spent several hours cutting up and bagging. We pull out a baggie at a time and boil the meat in our turkey fryer for the dogs. They love it! We will miss Hammie, but I know he had a great life while he was here. We will do hogs again in the future when we have pastures and more flat area for them.